Safe Environment Training
The Safe Environment Training (S.E.) at Sacred Heart School consists of two components: training and a criminal background check (BCI). Both are required by the Diocese of Providence and the USCCB. All adults who work or volunteer with children in any capacity at SHS are required to complete Safe Environment Training and renew their BCI every three years.
- Safe Environment Training: The first time an adult receives this training it must be in a live training event conducted by a school or parish official. This training is valid for three years. Each subsequent training may be conducted at a live event OR though the renewal process described below.
- Rhode Island Criminal Background Check: In addition to the Safe Environment Training, each volunteer must complete a BCI every three years. Each BCI costs $5.00. Each subsequent BCI can be completed by following the steps described below.
- Massachusetts Residents: Massachusetts residents must also undergo a a criminal background check from the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI). The process is the same as RI residents.
- Please call the school office at 401-434-1080 if you are unsure about when to renew your S.E. training and BCI or if you have any questions.
Renewal Process
1. Read the three Safe Environment Training Presentations and/or watch the brief video.
2. Read and be familiar with the three documents below. 3. Print and complete these TWO forms. Return them to the school office. Background checks are conducted by the school. Volunteers should not complete a BCI on their own.
2. Read and be familiar with the three documents below. 3. Print and complete these TWO forms. Return them to the school office. Background checks are conducted by the school. Volunteers should not complete a BCI on their own.
- Safe Environment Training Completion Form
- BCI Disclaimer Form (A copy of both sides of your state ID & $5.00 needed to process)