Application Process
Sacred Heart School seeks to admit students who will benefit from and live out our mission in a manner consistent with our core values. We look forward to working with you and your family through the admission process.
Beginning the Conversation
The parent visit includes a tour of the school and an opportunity for prospective parents or guardians to speak with the Principal. During the visit you will have the opportunity to tour the entire facility, discuss the curriculum, and learn about the many programs at Sacred Heart School. Following the tour, you will have the opportunity to sit with the Principal to ask specific questions and convey your goals for your child's education. pre-k/Kindergarten application procedure
Grades 1 - 8 APPLICATION procedure
Admissions priority sequence
As openings become available, the following priorities will be used to accept students to SHS:
New and transfer applicants
All new students will be given a trial period of not less than one trimester in which to prove himself/herself both socially and academically. If during this trial period there are any problems, a student may be asked to withdraw his/her attendance at SHS. The recommendation and decision of the school is final. SHS is limited in its human capital resources and will make reasonable accommodations for learning differences when possible. SHS cannot accommodate students who have extraordinary learning differences. If after admission, the educational and/or behavioral needs of a student exceed what would be considered reasonable, the student may need to be separated from SHS. This decision will be made in order for the student’s educational and/or behavioral needs to be fully met in another educational setting. Tuition payments will be refunded according to the current Tuition Policy. A student transferring from another school is assigned to the grade indicated on the report card and/or academic report. For the placement of students without records, an educational history will be compiled in cooperation with parents/legal guardians and the student. Based upon the information received, the student will be placed at the grade level best suited to his/her achievement. Non-Catholic students whose parents accept the philosophy of Sacred Heart School will be accepted on a space available basis. Non-Catholic students are expected to attend and be respectful all religious observances. admission decisions
Sacred Heart School does not use formal testing criteria or an academic standard when making admission decisions. However, if a prospective student's academic or behavioral history indicates that the academic success of that student or other currently enrolled students would be jeopardized or adversely affected by the prospective student's enrollment, SHS reserves the right to withdraw its offer of enrollment. All newly enrolled students are accepted on a probational basis. |
Application and Enrollment Documents